Hello Sun-Shines, I’m Maria.

I’m a Certified Soul Purpose Coach, Sound Bath Facilitator, Energy Worker and Yoga Teacher. As a heart-led coach, I guide you through mindfulness practices that will awaken your inner light and help you live in alignment with your purpose, discover your own truths and release conditioned beliefs.

I was looking for more but wasn’t exactly sure how to find it–or even what more was.

I started a direct marketing business in my 20’s, and through their workshops and conferences I discovered there was more to life than just working a day job that didn’t fulfill me. I was looking for more, but wasn’t exactly sure how to find it–or what more was.

I discovered I was here to become a light worker and energy healer.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, it forced everyone to slow down. Since I lived alone, I was nudged to look within. Yoga became my best friend and I was introduced to breath work, spiritual rituals and inner work practices. I listened to spiritual and personal development podcasts, took morning mindful walks and began eating healthy meals. It was then that I began my self awareness, mindfulness journey.

As I questioned “who I was” and “what I was here to do” with journaling and meditations, it came to me that I was here to become a light worker and energy healer. I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant but was open to learn more about this and was soon introduced to Access Bars®, an energy healing modality, and enrolled in a Spiritual Life Coaching Certification.

It was a journey of personal growth, continuous soul deaths and rebirths.

I found myself taking the leap…sold my condo and moved across the country. My move wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be and while I had moved cross country before, I was in a completely different stage in my life. I felt so lost and confused, wondering “Did I make the right choice?” It was a journey of personal growth, continuous soul deaths and rebirths.

About a month after my move, I visited a yoga studio to pursue my practice and was led to enroll in Yoga Teacher Training, all while completing my certification as a Spiritual Life Coach. I began to find myself again in yoga, hiking adventures, and aligned friendships. I completed a Sound Bath Certification, and am now leading Sound Baths events.

I believe that when we begin to cultivate awareness and mindfulness in the present moment, we begin to open up space in our hearts to see the joy in every day life and connect to our true self.

My purpose is to help guide women awaken their inner light with awareness to live a purpose driven life in alignment with who they are meant to be.

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so that you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

— Paulo Coelho

Fun Facts About Me

Aquarius sun & moon, Sagittarius rising

My Astrology

1/3 Generator

My Human Design

Lived in Cayman Islands for a year!

My Favorite Adventure

Work With Me